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Setting up Fibonacci Expansion in MetaTrader 4 and Changing its Settings

The steps below explain how to draw these levels, how to use this tool & how to change its settings.

How to Add This Tool on MT4

Steps: This tool isn't shown by default in MetaTrader 4 settings, if the button key is not shown on your MT4 software, (no need to download this indicator) then locate "MT4 Line Studies Toolbar" shown & displayed below & follow the steps below:

1. MT4 Line Studies ToolBar

How Do I Interpret XAUUSD Trading Fib Extension MT4 Indicator?

2. Customize Line Studies Tool bar

Right click the Customize button key (illustrated and shown below) >>> A drop-down menu appears, Select Customize >>>

How to Draw Fibonacci Expansion Indicator Tool in MT4 XAUUSD Charts

3. Place This Tool on MT4

Choose the expansion tool from the popup window which will then appear >>> Click Insert button >>> Click Close. (Shown Below)

Setting up Fibonacci Expansion Levels in MT4 - Drawing Fibonacci Expansion on XAUUSD Trading MT4 Charts on MetaTrader 4

4. Fib Expansion Tool Added

Setting up Fibonacci Expansion in MT4 - Drawing Fibonacci Expansion Levels on Gold Trading MT4 Charts in MetaTrader 4


Short Cut of How to Add

You can also use this short-cut instead of the above technique, do this:

  1. Click "Insert Menu"

  2. Click Fibo
  3. Click Expansion

Drawing Fibonacci Expansion on XAUUSD MT4 Charts on MetaTrader 4 - How to Read Fibo Expansion MT4 Indicator

Steps on How to Draw Expansion

Steps. Once you've added this button, you can draw this tool by choosing it & drawing it on a xauusd chart. The Three points will be marked 1, 2 & 3, select the Fibo indicator, place the indicator on point 1 and while still holding down the mouse button drag the mouse upto point marked 2.

Setting up Fibonacci Expansion on MT4 - Drawing Fibonacci Expansion on XAUUSD MT4 Charts on MetaTrader 4

How to Adjust This Tool on a Chart

Steps. Once you have drawn this indicator, you may need to move one point or another to the exact position where you precisely want. These 3 points are marked 1, 2 and 3 & these are used to change the settings after this indicator has been drawn on a XAUUSD chart.

To change the settings: do this, double-click the indicator, it appears as dotted lines (shown above), 3 cursor points appear that are marked 1 2 3, you can then use these 3 points to adjust & fit the indicator accordingly to your chart (just click on the point you want and move it).


Technical Analysis

XAUUSD Technical Indicators 2