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MT4 Oil Trading Charts Bar and Tabs Navigation

When you open many oil trading charts on the MT4 oil platform, these crude oil charts are arranged in navigation tabs bar just below the MT4 oil chart workspace as shown below.

MT4 Oil Trading Charts Bar and Charts Tabs in MetaTrader 4 - MT4 Oil Charts Described Guide

If on your MT4 crude oil trading platform this display bar is not highlighted - as in the example shown above - you can follow the following procedure to show this MT4 bar as well as these MT4 tabs.

On the "View" menu drop down list option, the fourth button is named "Charts Bar" as shown above. To view this display bar on the MT4 platform just click and check or tick this button and the it will appear as shown below displaying all the open oil charts as tabs that a trader can use to open any of these listed oil trading charts.

MT4 Oil Chart Tool Bar - Oil Trading MT4 Toolbar Menu PDF

Once you tick this option the MT4 bar appears and this MT4 bar also has right and left arrows that a trader can use to scroll to the left or to the right and navigate other open oil charts from this MT4 bar.

These MetaTrader 4 oil chart tabs are used to organize all the open oil charts on the MT4 platform in an orderly manner. This MT4 tab also gives the trader easy access to any oil chart which they might have opened.

As the trader continues to open more oil charts, this MT4 Bar of chart tabs adds navigation arrows to the right and to the left of this MT4 bar, this way a trader can scroll to the left or to the right of this MT4 bar of chart tabs until they find the oil chart that they want to trade.

For ease of navigation each tab on this MT4 bar also shows the crude oil chart timeframe for which this particular oil chart is set for. The last MT4 Tab does not show the crude oil chart timeframe and a trader has to use the right and left scroll arrow buttons next to this tab to navigate. Once the trader reaches one end that arrow is then grayed out - as shown above, the right arrow scroll button above is grayed because the first oil chart - oil chart is the first oil chart on the right side of this MT4 bar.

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Crude Oil Trading MetaTrader 4 Tutorial