Standard Toolbar Menu and Customizing it on MT4
The Standard Toolbar on the MT4 is shown below:
Before explaining how to use each tool listed on this standard toolbar, let's make sure that all the available button keys are added to it by customizing it:
- Right-Click on the tool-bar customize button key to the left as displayed below
2. Click customize 3. Add all Tools
Add Tools
After Adding & customizing, it will look like:
On the platform, the standard tool-bar now looks like:
Explanation of Each Crude Oil Tool on the Standard Toolbar
1: Opens a oil chart in the MetaTrader 4 and a trader can specify which type of chart to open by clicking the drop down arrow next to its icon.
2: Profile - can be used to load a saved chart profile or to save a new chart profile - these options are provided as a sub menu from the dropdown arrow.
3: Opening and closing market watch window: market watch displays the oil trading quote oil prices for selected oil instruments.
4: Data panel opens and closes and it displays crude oil price information as well as other data like indicator's information.
5: Navigator Shortcut, navigator displays Account information, indicators, scripts & EAs data.
6: Terminal panel shortcut, displays the transactions opened by a trader - shows open trades, balance, account equity, transaction history, news, Expert-Advisors tab, signals tab and trade alerts tab.
7: Strategy tester opens the Oil Trading Strategy Tester and traders can test their EAs on this Oil Trading Strategy Tester environment.
8: Places a new order by opening a popup panel where as a trader you can specify the oil instrument to buy, the amount to trade, and if the order will be a market order or set as a pending oil order.
9: Meta Editor opens the Meta Editor environment where a trader can add or program an Expert Advisor or a new indicator on this Meta Editor Environment.
10: Help, if you do not know something on MT4 click this & point on any MT4 object and get an explanation.
11: Options settings for editing the MetaTrader 4 options that are used by your platform, these settings are the server settings & Expert Advisors settings found under main navigation menu on the tools menu, options sub-menu.
12: Full screen option for setting chart to full screen option, Short-cut is Keyboard Key 'F11'
13: Print Chart
14: Print Preview
15: EAs - activates & deactivating EAs on a crude oil chart, clicking this button key changes color from green to red, green color means Expert Advisor is allowed, red means Expert Advisor execution not allowed.
Remove Buttons
As a trader you'll not require all these button keys and you can hide some of them by clicking customize (shown above), then choose some of the items on the right side panel & then choose hide.
Remove the above tools by clicking on them & clicking the remove button.