List of Learn Forex Trading Tutorials for Beginners - Learn Forex Beginners Guide
TradeForexTrading is a Learn Forex Trading course that is aimed at helping beginner traders to learn about the online forex trading market. This Learn Forex Introduction Tutorial Course aims to introduce beginner traders to the learn forex basics lessons and tutorials that beginners require to learn about before they start to trade the online forex trading market.
This forex trading website is a comprehensive learn forex training course that aims to help beginner traders learn how to trade the online FX market. Before starting to trade in the forex market, you should first take time to educate yourself and gain knowledge of how the forex market works.
Beginner traders can learn from the tutorial courses listed below that are divided in three sections: starting with the forex basics lessons, then technical analysis tutorials explaining methods of how to analyze the forex market price moves and the third section is the forex key concepts that aims to explain to traders the more in depth concepts that beginner traders need to know before starting to trade the online forex market.
Open a Practice Account and Begin Learning Forex Trading from these Training Tutorials
How to Setup Forex Trading - Beginners Guide
- How to Setup MetaTrader 4 Forex Platform
- How to Open Demo Account
- How to Login to MetaTrader 4 Platform
- How to Open a Chart
- How to Open Buy Trade and How to Open Sell Trade
Start Forex Trading Guides - Learn Lessons
- Forex Currency Pair Names
- Major Forex Currency Pairs
- Reading Forex Quotes
- Lots, Contracts, Spreads
- Buy Long and Sell Short
- Types of Forex Trading Accounts
- Forex Market Hours
- 3 Forex Market Sessions
- Types of Forex Charts
- Types of Forex Orders
- Setting a Limit Entry Order
- Setting a Stop Entry Order
Learn Technical Analysis in Forex Trading
- Technical Analysis Training
- Forex Indicators Analysis
- What's Forex Trading System
- Moving Average Indicator
- MACD Indicator
- RSI Indicator
- Creating a Forex Trading System
- Writing Trading Systems Rules
- Generating Trading Signals
- Japanese Candles Charts
- What's Trend Line
- Drawing Upwards Trend Line
- Drawing Downwards Trend Line
- Forex Trading Trendline Break
Forex Key Concepts
- What is Forex Leverage
- Leverage and Margin Example
- Forex Trading Leverage Margin
- Stop Loss Orders
- Methods of Setting Stop Loss
- Forex Money Management
- Money Management Trading Rules
- Forex Market Psychology
- Emotions in Forex Market Trading
- Forex Trading Psychology
- Forex Trader Psychology
- Writing Forex Trading Plan
About Learn Forex Trading - What to Know
Traders can also find a list of forex technical indicators, a list of forex trading strategies and learn forex trading platform software tutorials on the main navigation menu of this learn forex website.
This tutorial course aims to provide beginner traders with tools that they can use to trade and analyze the forex trading market. Beginner traders can learn about forex tools such as: forex trading indicators and forex trading strategies - beginner traders can also learn how to use these tools to come up with their own forex trading plan. A trading plan is a one page document that traders will use to analyze the forex market. Traders can use this trading to determine how and when they generate their own forex trading signals. A trader will use a trading system that they will write down on their trading plan. A trading system is a set of trading rules that a trader will use to generate buy or sell trading signals when trading the online forex trading market.
In trading, winning is not only about how much you win but also about how much you don't lose (a.k.a. win ratio). That is why this learn tutorial website has the following sections, each section explaining different sides of this concept:
Technical Analysis Section: which aims to teach you strategies used in technical analysis to help traders analyze the forex market price moves and increase their chances of making the correct trading decisions.
Key Concepts Section: which aims to train traders on the various methods used by traders to reduce how much they might lose - topics like money management methods tutorials and risk: reward ratio tutorial are good examples of methods used by traders to reduce losses and help improve win ratio of their trading strategy.
How to Put it all Together
The question is how does a beginner trader put it all together? - Considering there is a vast amount of information to learn.
For a beginner trader the above information may be hard to understand and put it all together especially considering the fact you will need to learn all the above topics: and maybe you don't know where to start or what steps to follow.
That is why we have organized the following tutorial guide for beginners. There are very many informative tutorials on this website (, but we have put a summary of the basics that beginner traders need to know.
So to answer the question of how to put it all together - a trader will use what is known as a Forex Trading Plan - which is a two or three page document containing five to seven sections that a trader will use to guide them when trading the online forex market. Writing Forex Trading Plan is the last topic on this learn forex systematic guide - It is the document that you will write & come up with your own, you will use the example template explained on this website to come up with a trading plan template that fits your trading style and after that you can start your trading.
But in order to understand how to write this forex trading plan document - and also to understand each section of what you are writing on your forex trading plan: first start by learning the tutorials listed above, these tutorials are summarized, only the what that you need to know are included, so do not skip any tutorial.
Learning Forex Trading
Forex, Spot Forex, FX are the many names used to describe the online forex market.
Spot Metals, Silver and Gold, Commodities, Futures, Stock Indices, Cryptocurrencies and CFDs - Contracts for Differences being the latest addition of financial instruments being transacted alongside spot currencies. These additional instruments have also been covered within this Forex website so as to fully educate the beginner trader about all the aspects of trading the online financial markets.
For example, below is a Forex trading system attached to a currency chart, this trading system is used to generate Forex signals. This is one of the basics learn Forex topics that you will learn from this online Forex training website. As shown on the example below, the trend line shows the general direction of the currencies, and the indicators are used to generate what is called signals.
All the Courses and concepts are accompanied by numerous snap shots that show real forex charts examples of the concepts explained so as to help you learn online forex trading Step By Step. This makes it easier for beginner traders to grasp the concepts explained with ease. The snap shots on this site that are used to explain are worth a thousand words. If you want to be trained in Forex trading the online markets, this is a good website to teach you and help you study.
As an online introduction Forex training website for beginner traders wanting to learn Forex, this website is designed to help new beginner traders discover trading methods, provide Forex trading tools, Forex trading information and the required resources to those who want to gain more knowledge of how the forex market works and become skilled at it. All lessons are arranged in a systematic manner to help you easily navigate the lessons.
This Forex tutorial will take anywhere between a few days to a few weeiksto complete, that should be good enough time to study the basics and also develop a suitable Forex strategy to use. In 30 days you should start making some profits on your demo practice account; the demo account is an account where a beginner Forex trader can practice without depositing money, on this account a trader can practice for any amount of time they want and if their strategy proves to be profitable, one can then open a live forex account & start real trading. You may also want to open an account early, meanwhile you continue studying: You can also read the account opening procedure article.
This Learn Forex Trading website is divided into 4 different learn FX trading sections, namely:
Learn Forex Trading Basics Lessons:
On this website, the training tutorials have been put together in a systematic format to explain to beginner traders how to start Forex trading, from the Forex basics to the more complex trading strategies used by experienced currency traders. All these lessons are combined to form a complete Forex training course that offers the fastest way to learn. These lessons will help you gain all the knowledge that you require step by step. These tutorials can be found at the main navigation bar of this web site.
There is a total of about 100 free lessons on this Forex trading education website that have been divided into these three categories, starting with the FX Basics, Technical Analysis & Key Concepts. You do not need any other Forex classes or any other online Forex school - this website has compiled all the tutorials required from the beginner lessons to the advanced topics.
For a beginner Forex traders asking what is the way to study Forex trading quickly - The lessons have also been divided into three sections to help you learn as fast as possible, (these tutorials are located at the main navigation menu:).
1. Basics - Beginner Traders Education
These Forex basics for beginner traders topics cover all the Forex basics, including the definition of terms, Pips, Forex spread, lots and contracts and topics about reading Forex quotes, how currencies are traded in pairs known as currency pairs, types of forex accounts and practice demo accounts. It is good to start with these tutorials located at the main navigation menu and Our Homepage, arranged from the first lesson to the last lesson.
2. Technical Analysis
After completing the basics tutorials, Technical analysis topics will follow, these tutorials cover a wide range of strategies, ranging from price action method, drawing of trend lines and channels, Forex charts, candlesticks charts, chart patterns, Fibonacci and divergence setups. These are some of the popular topics, used by most to analyze the price trends.
3. Key Concepts Forex Guide
Key concepts tutorial covers some of the more advanced topics, some of the favorite topics include; Forex leverage & margin, money management methods, Forex systems, generating forex signals, most active hours and when not to transact currencies, US Dollar Index, online Forex brokers and psychology. Key Concepts discusses the more advanced topics used, reading and understanding these tutorials will determine if you make money or not in the currency exchange market. Topics such as Money Management and leverage margin are must learn topics for all beginner traders.
These learn Forex for beginner traders tutorials have been comprehensively summarized to provide beginner traders with all the knowledge and skills that are required when trading in Forex currency markets online.
Trading Strategies:
When you want to learn how to formulate your Forex trading strategy, you need to use technical analysis, without this, you would have no foundation to define your strategy. Remember that technical analysis is a very wide topic where one is required to study many topics. This section shows examples of simple trading strategies that can also be combined together to form other advanced Forex strategies.
The most popular ones are discussed within the strategies section, these include RSI, Stochastic, Moving Average Indicator, MACD and Bollinger Bands Indicator indicator based strategies. All these have explained the numerous concepts used, these Forex strategies are a good base from which to educate yourself and become skilled and formulate your own strategy. It is hard for beginners to come up with their own trading systems when they don't even know what Forex is or they do not even know who is a Forex broker or what a Forex trading platform is, that is why you should start by finding out as much information so that you do not make the common mistakes made by beginners.
The technical analysis used in forex trading is the same as that used for Equity and Stocks. The only difference between the two is that the online forex is open 24 hours a day and Stocks market is only open for 9 hours a day.
The trading strategies section of this website found either on the homepage or at the main navigation bar just below the site name at the top of this web site.
Each strategy is accompanied with numerous examples of screenshots; from price charts like the one below. These Forex strategies will not only expand your trading knowledge of the currency exchange market but will accelerate your learning curve.
If you want to develop your own strategy that works, you need to form a basic and simple strategy & then develop it over time. Learning and improving is the key to everything in Forex. Most people start with simple Forex systems and then develop them over time.
Technical Indicators:
Traders use these Forex indicators to form their strategy; each is different from the other. There is a total of about 100 indicators discussed within this section that can be found at the main navigation menu. This section will cover and explain each indicator individually and show you the technical analysis that is used to generate a buy or sell signals when trading.
Signals are generated using indicators, It is good to know all of these to determine which one is suited for your method. The most popular ones are:
- Moving Average Indicator
- Stochastic Oscillator Indicator
- ADX - Average Direction Movement Index
- Bollinger Bands Indicator
Online Forex Brokers:
Currencies are transacted through online currency brokers. To start you must first of all find a good one, download their platform to transact with.
From the broker you can download the software platforms and register for a free practice account.
Brokers offer free trading software to login and connect to transact currencies. These software programs are known as platforms. These platforms draws and plots graphs of price movements, this graphical representation of price is known as a Forex chart and can be found on these online trading platforms. MT4 online trading platform software training tutorials can be found at the main navigation menu.
Economic Calendar
Fundamental analysis is used to predict short-term as well as long-term trends. Apart from the reports that you receive from the fundamental indicators, you also need to look at the news releases and the reports coming out of important economic meetings. These reports and commentary coming out of these meetings can affect the prices and careful traders will always look for these.
The economic reports that you need to look out for are:
- USA Non Farm Payroll
- FOMC Interest Rate Decisions
- Retail Sales
- Gross domestic product
- Consumer price index
The above news reports are major price movers and all forex traders look at them when they are announced. That is why you must know what these reports are and when they are released by looking at an economic calendar. Most who do not know about these news reports often see major price movements without knowing where these movements come from.
That is why you require a real time Economic Calendar that is updated within seconds of major fundamental reports so as to ensure that you are always ahead in your Fundamental Analysis. You can access the Economic Calendar from online news networks. You can also follow the schedule of the news reports timetable that is released well before the actual time when the news reports are announced.
If you simply read these economic reports, you will get an idea about the things to come. This will help you improve your long term as well short term fundamental strategy. You will be in a better position to take advantage of these news reports.
The Five Steps for Starting for Beginner Traders
Step 1: Learn Basics and Currency Terms
- FX basics - Forex trading for beginner traders topics
- Forex trading terms
- Major currency pairs
- How to read a Forex quote
- Online charts
- How to place buy & sell transactions
- Practice Forex demo account
Step 2: Technical Analysis Tutorial
- Charts - candlesticks charts an how to analyze charts
- Trends - upward trend and downwards trend
- About Fibonacci retracements and Fibonacci expansion levels
Step 3: Key Concepts
- Forex trading with Leverage and margin
- Forex Money management
- Stop loss setting
- Forex trading hours
- The times to transact and multiple time frame method
- Systems and writing journals
- Psychology
- About Brokers
- trading plan example
Step 4: Open a free practice trading account and start training with this practice demo using your trading system for a period of one month until you start to make Forex profits. While at the same time keep reading this Forex guide and the lessons on this Forex trading site. This tutorial will also help you improve your skills using the free practice demo account that you open with your currency broker and this way you will be practicing with virtual currency.
Step 5: Open a real account & start trading FX.
To begin trading real online trading you will first need to open a Real Forex trading account and deposit Forex funds, below is an example of how a Forex trading account looks like:
How to Open an Account
To open this live trading account, a trader has to fill some forms provided by a Forex trading broker. The forms can be obtained from your broker.
The step by step procedure of opening an account is explained in this article: How to Open a Forex Trading Account.