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Free MT4 Gold Charts Tutorial

On the MT4 'View' menu, the second button on the drop down menu list is the 'Toolbars' button. This MT4 toolbars button key is used to choose the chart tool bars to place on the MetaTrader 4 interface.

The main toolbars are; Standard Toolbar, Charts Toolbar, Line Studies Toolbar and Periodicity Toolbar as shown below. By clicking the MT4 toolbar button, these xauusd tool bars are shown to the right of this 'Toolbars' button.

Free MT4 Charts XAUUSD Trading Tutorial - XAUUSD MT4 Show Line Tool Bar - Insert Trading Menu Options in MT4 Tool Bars

To add a toolbar on the MetaTrader 4 platform interface, just check or tick the particular toolbar. To remove the toolbar just uncheck the toolbar you want to remove.

On the MT4 the following examples shows what toolbars are:

Gold Chart Tool Bars in MT4 - Gold MetaTrader 4 Show Line Tool Bar

The Four toolbars on MT4 are:

  1. Standard Tool Bar
  2. Charts Tool Bar
  3. Line Studies Tool Bar
  4. Periodicity Tool Bar

These MetaTrader 4 tool bars are shown below, as a trader you can drag and drop these MT4 tool bars by clicking your mouse at the left side of these tool bars, on the place that look like a stack of coins on each toolbar, click hold, then drag to where you want to place the MT4 toolbar on the MT4 platform then drop. As an exercise you can try to rearrange and arrange back these MT4 toolbars on your MetaTrader 4 Platform.

Gold Trading Toolbar Menu and Customizing Gold Trading Toolbars Menu in MT4 Platform

MT4 XAUUSD Platform Tool Bars is a wide topic, and each button on every toolbar is used differently, the explanation of what these tool bar buttons are and how to use them will be covered in another learn xauusd topic concentrating on MT4 tool bars alone, explaining each toolbar and each button on each toolbar.

Also Read The Topic : Customizing Tool Bars on MT4


Gold Trading MT4 Tutorial

XAUUSD Technical Indicators 2